Provide Capacity Building to community and youths

We provide a capacity building to community and youth to make them more understanding about their rights, land law, nature resources management and technologies

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Promote and preserve Ips rights, culture and natural resources

We, BCV contribute to the promotion and perservation of the traditional culture of the target group, Especially indigenous peoples through the news article and video production that publish on social media and community radio center.

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Provide a space for community and local authority to discuss and find a solution

We conducted a regular meeting with our community target area to raise their issues that happen in community to local authorities and stakeholders to provide idea and solution for them in the commune monthly meeting.

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Our Progress

Currently,  Building Community Voices (BCV) are working with community target that based in Ratanakiri ,Mondulkiri , Pursat, Kampong Chhnang, Kampong Spue and Kampot province focused on community mobilizing, economic empowerment and community media program to improve their knowledge on land rights, Indigenous People Rights, Community Forest management, Gender, Land Laws, and community development to get more understanding, especially indigenous people and vulnerability people.

  • 4

    Community Radio Stations

  • 250

    Community Journalists

  • 15,501


    Who We Are

    People led development and participation with efficiency

    BCV is a local NGO established in 2007 to share resources, ideas, skills, and technologies that would enable the views of the local communities and the indigenous community members to be heard through community media centers and local development initiatives in Cambodia

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    What We Do

    • Economic Empowerment Program

      Economic Empowerment Program

      BCV has been implementing rice seed production trials in collaboration with Bangladesh NGO and all technical support them Bangladeshi rice experts. This initiative is being implemented in Pursat, Kampong Chhnang, and Kampong Speu

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    • Community  Empowerment Program

      Community Empowerment Program

      This program is based on supporting the capacity development of others. BCV will support the development of community organizing skills in community networks using methods that empower community to take part in the

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    • Community Media  Program

      Community Media Program

      Community media production is still the uniqueness of BCV programming and this will continue its mission with a new approach. BCV under this strategic plan will transform community media into a more independent and self-financing

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    Latest Blogs


    • How important water source is for agriculture and Animals

      How important water source is for agriculture and Animals

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